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Humanität, Tierschutz,
Umwelt- und Naturschutz

  Gesunde und ethisch
orientierte Ernährung

Eigene Publikationen und Abstracts
zum Thema Standortabhängigkeit & Geopathie
Peer-reviewed Manuskripte in Medline-zitierten internationalen Journalen sind "fett" hervorgehoben

  • Hacker G.W., Pawlak E., Pauser G., Tichy G., Jell H., Posch G., Kraibacher G., Aigner A., Hutter J.: Biomedical evidence of influence of geopathic zones on the human body: Scientifically traceable effects and ways of harmonization. Forsch. Kompl. Med. Klass Naturhlkd. (Res. Compl. & Nature Medicine), Karger, 12: 315-327 (2005). Published online: November 8, 2005.
  • Hacker G.W. et al.: Auswirkungen geopathischer Zonen und deren Harmonisierung: Biomedizinischer Nachweis und Bedeutung für Krankenhäuser. Harmonization of Stress Fields – Proof of Efficiency and Significance for Patients and Health Care Personnel. Effets et harmonisation des zones géopathiques: justification biomédicale et signification pour les hôpitaux. Proceedings, First European Conference on Hospital Technology, Baden-Baden; 5 pages, available each in German, English and French language (2005).
  • Hacker G.W., et al.: Komplementaertechnik - Gibt es „Erdstrahlen“? Wissenschaftliche Belege für standortabhängige Wirkungen auf den Menschen und Möglichkeit zur Harmonisierung. (Do "earth rays" exist? Scientific evidence for location dependent effects on the human body and possibility for harmonization.). Proceedings, Meeting of the Austrian Society of Hospital Technics Specialists (OeVKT), Pörtschach / Kärnten, Austria; 83-86 (2005).
  • Hacker G.W., Augner Chr., Florian M., Pauser G.: Diurnal relationship between gas discharge visualization (GDV) and salivary amylase, IgA, cortisol and substance P. Book chapter (in Russian language), invited by Prof. Konstantin Korotkov (ed.): The Principles of Electrophotonic Analysis. St. Petersburg University Press, SPbFU ITMO, Russia. ISBN 978-598947-059-4, pages 128-138 (2007).
  • Hacker G.W., Pauser G.: Geopathy and its effects on the human organism, as detected by GDV. Book chapter (in Russian language), invited by Prof. Konstantin Korotkov (ed.): The Principles of Electrophotonic Analysis. St. Petersburg University Press, SPbFU ITMO, Russia. ISBN 978-598947-059-4, pages 239-249 (2007).
  • Hacker G.W., Pauser G.: Geopathy and its effects on the human organism, as detected by GDV. Book chapter (in Russian language), invited by Prof. Konstantin Korotkov (ed.): The Principles of Electrophotonic Analysis. St. Petersburg University Press, SPbFU ITMO, Russia. ISBN 978-598947-059-4, pages 239-249 (2007).
  • Hacker G.W., Augner Chr., Eder A., Pauser G.: Standortabhängige Belastungsphänomene und deren Bedeutung im Klinikbereich. (Location-Dependent Stress Phenomena and their Significance for Hospitals). In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Healthcare Engineering (ECHE 2007), Wien, Sept. 5-7, 2007. Summaries in German (Seiten 105-106) and English (pages 229-230) (2007).
  • Hacker G.W., Eder A., Augner Chr., Pauser G.: Geopathic stress zones and their influence on the human organism. Proceedings of the Druskininskai congress of the University of Vilnius on "Earth's Fields and their Influence on Human Beings", 21 pages (2008). Will also be published as an updated version in 2010 also as a book chapter.
  • Hacker G.W., Demarmels U.: Die neue Dimension der Gesundheit. Ganzheitlicher Schutz vor belastenden Umwelteinflüssen. Ein Ratgeber aus wissenschaftlicher und spiritueller Sicht. (The New Dimension of Health: Holistic Protection from Pathogenic Environmental Influences. A Guide Book Combining Scientific and Spiritual Viewpoints.) SüdWest, Verlagsgruppe RandomHouse / Bertelsmann, München. 240 pages (2008).
  • Hacker G.W., Pauser G.: Fondements géophysiques, structures cibles et effets des zones de stress géopathique détectés avec la Visualisation par Décharge Gazeuse (GDV). (Geophysical Background, Target Structures and Effects of Geopathic Stress Zones, as Detected with Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Methodology). 30 pages long book chapter French language in: Les Principes de Analyse GDV. Korotkov K., & Frère J, ed; M. Pietteur, ISBN-10: 2874340480. pages 189-218 (2009).
  • Augner Chr., Hacker G.W., Schwarzenbacher S., Pauser G.: Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV): Eine auf physikalischen Methoden und Meridiananalysen basierende Technik zur Untersuchung von Stressreaktionen und energetischen Schwachstellen – Zwischenbericht laufender Forschung. (Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV): A Technique Based on Physical Methods and Meridian Analyses to Detect Stress Reactions and Energetic Weaknesses – Report of Ongoing Research.) Dt. Ztschr. f. Akup. (DZA) – German Journal of Acupuncture & Related Techniques 53 - 2/2010, 14-20 (2010).
  • Hacker G.W., Demarmels U.: Az egészség új dimenziója. Átfogó védekezés az egészségkárosító körneyezeti hatások ellen. Tanácsok tudományos és spirituális szemszögböl. Hungarian language edition of  the book "The new dimension of health: Holistic Protection from Pathogenic Environmental Influences. A Guide Book Combining Scientific and Spiritual Viewpoints. Almandin Books Bt., Budapest, Hungary, ISBN 978 964 88153 3 0, 229 pages (2010).
  • Augner Chr., Hacker G.W., Jekel I.: Geopathic stress zones: Short-term effects on work performance and well-being? JACM - Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (USA) 16: 657-661 (2010).
  • Hacker G.W.: Stress aus dem Boden. (Stress from the Ground). Invited book chapter for: Die Kunst zu leben (The Art of Living), Rosenstatter R. & Porsche P.D. (ed.), Kulturverlag Polzer, Salzburg, pp. 112-125 (25.11.2010).
  • Furter L.M.: Geopathische Störzonen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit von Milchkühen. (Geopathic Stress Zones and their Effects on Health of Dairy Cows). Inaugural-Dissertation, supervised by Hacker G.W. at the VetSuisse Faculty of the University of Zurich, Switzerland. 95 pages (2010).
  • Hacker G.W., Augner Chr., Pauser G.: Daytime-related rhythmicity of gas discharge visualization (GDV) parameter glow image area: Time course and comparison to biochemical parameters measured in saliva. Book chapter in: Energy Fields. Electrophotonic Analysis in Humans and Nature. Korotkov K. (ed.), ISBN 978-5-91014-022-0. St. Petersburg University, Russia, 214-232 (2011).
  • Hacker G.W., Pauser G., Augner C.: Geophysical Background, Target Structures and Effects of Geopathic Stress Zones, as Detected with Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Methodology. Book chapter in: Spiral Traverse: Journey into the Unknown, 2nd edn. Korotkov K. (ed.), ISBN-13: 978-0-9742019-4-8; ISBN-10: 0-9742019-4-4. St. Petersburg University, Russia, 315-348 (2011).
  • Hacker G.W.: Geopathisch belastete Standorte - Mythos oder Wirklichkeit? (Geopathic Locations - Myth or Reality?) Invited book chapter in: "Salzburger Kulturwissenschaftliche Dialoge Band 2.: Mythos - Mensch - Maschine" ("Salzburg Cultural Scientific Dialogue Vol. 2: Myth - Human - Mashine"). Klopf J., Frass M., Gabriel M. (Eds.) & Gesellschaft für Kultursoziologie an der Universität Salzburg / Society for Cultural Sociology at the University of Salzburg, Paracelsus Buchhandlung und Verlag, Salzburg, ISBN: 978-3-902776-05-1 (Hardcover) & ISBN 978-3-902776-11-2 (E-Book), pages 167-197 (12/2012)



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